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Interview "Die Presse"


Interview "Kleine Zeitung"

Interview Kleine Zeitung
Interview Kleine Zeitung 2

Interview "Salzburger Nachrichten"

Interview Kleine Zeitung

Lecture at the Vienna Women's Health Week

“The facets of sleep…what happens when it stops working?”

Interview for online broadcaster WienNews24

"The 12 Stages of Burnout"

Interview for online broadcaster WienNews24

"Burnout Prevention and Therapy"

Lectures/Public Engagements


"How do I stay mentally healthy?" (2022)

lecture by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture


"Mental health - what does it mean - what can I do about it - where can I get support" (2022)

Austrian Integration Fund 


"The facets of sleep...what happens when it no longer works?" (2019)

Institute for Women's and Men's Health


"Let go of stress" What stresses us? How do we deal with it? (2019)

Health Day at the Favoriten Clinic


“Labor market integration of people with mental and/or physical disabilities taking into account the dimension of gender and diversity” (2019)

Federal Association of Austrian Psychologists


"Sleep disorders, what now?" (2018)

FEM Vital Messe Wr.Rathaus



"Identity-Migration-Identification" (2018)


"Families in Migration" Women in Migration, Examples from Counseling Practice (2015)

MED UNI Vienna

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